
Aug 22, 2021 - 11:26 AM

We all make mistakes when it comes to skincare. It's inevitable! No one is perfect and no one can know everything there is about skin care. But, we're willing to bet that you've been making a few of these common mistakes for a while now. We will be discussing 7 common skincare mistakes people tend to make and how they can be avoided so your skin stays looking its best at any age!
It's important to choose a cleanser that is gentle or mild. Products with harsh chemicals can cause irritation and dryness in the skin.
Cleaning your face for too long also strips moisture from the surface of your skin, which leads to redness and breakouts.
Exfoliation is a key step for healthy skin, but you don't need to do it every day.
Most experts recommend using an exfoliant no more than three times per week and always use gentle scrubbing motion with your fingertips instead of rough circular motions that can irritate the surface of the skin.
Wearing sunscreen, even if it’s overcast outside, can help protect your skin from the sun's damaging rays and prevent skin cancer.
It is also vital to choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 when outdoors. When indoors, you should still apply it every time as the sun’s rays can travel through windows and other non-transparent surfaces.
Do not forget your neck and chest area either!
It’s not uncommon to neglect your neck and your decolletage, but be sure you're treating those areas as well. Wrinkles are one of the first signs of aging, so don't forget about these trouble zones where they first appear! Always make sure you're wearing sunscreen over your face, neck.
Excessive oxidation of oils in the skin can cause inflammation and lead to blemishes, so it’s important not to skip moisturizing oily skin. Use a lightweight lotion or cream that is non-comedogenic and oil-free as this will help your pores breathe without clogging them up with excess sebum.
Be mindful of what you’re doing to your skin, or it might rebel. Using too many products at once is a sure way to upset your skin’s balance and sensitivities. Slowly add in new products so that your skin adjusts to them gradually.
This is a common mistake for people when they first start getting into skincare. You may think that if you're slathering your face in different products, it will help to clear up your skin and keep it healthy - but this only leads to more irritation.
Your skin is a lot more sensitive when you have acne, so proper treatment and care are crucial.
Don't squeeze or touch your breakouts unless they're open to avoid worsening the inflammation with pus build-up - because that will just cause further damage.
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